
Man-made structure



Pinnacle shape



Extend over water or land



Naturally formed

Once your decision to BASE jump is made, the first thing to do is buy your gear and learn to pack. The French BASE Association can help you to order your new or second hand equipment. If you do not have the technical knowledge to select the most appropriate options to your practice, we can advise you. We propose to spend time with you to check your packing job and discuss the about the gear or progression.




Our Services


The forum is the place where people ask and answer specific questions. There is an english section if you're looking for informations for jumping in France.


We can help you to order your gear. We also propose to spend time with you to check your packing job and discuss the about the gear or progression.


If you plan to visit our beautiful French country or others marvelous european cliffs, we encourage you to purchase an insurance in case of a accident and where mountain rescue will be involve. In case of a hospital sightseeing, this insurance will also cover the cost.

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